Your front teeth are the most visible, in particular the top front teeth. When you talk, smile, laugh or eat your front teeth are on full display. But what happens if you get a cavity in your front teeth? If you have had previous dental fillings in your back teeth, you may have had them done with a metal-coloured amalgam and may be concerned that your dentist will use this on your front teeth. However, dental professionals nowadays have an extensive range of different filling materials that they can use, such as composite or ceramic dental fillings which can be coloured-matched to your teeth for a discreet finish.

How Obvious Are Fillings?

How obvious your fillings are will come down to a variety of factors. If you are having your front teeth filled and are concerned about how it will look, always speak to your dental professional, who will be able to offer reassurance and explain the process thoroughly. You may be given a choice of different fillings, and you can compare which one will give you the most discrete finish for your front teeth.

Factors Affecting the Noticeability of Fillings

There are various considerations to take into account if you are wondering how visible your front teeth fillings will be. The size and position will affect this, the bigger the filling, the more likely it is to be seen. Fillings that reach to the very edge of the tooth may be more noticeable as well. Choosing a natural-looking filling material will help, as it will give a more subtle finish. The skill of your dentist will also have an effect, as the finish of the fillings will be all-important from a visual aspect. With back teeth, the bite position is crucial to the finish of the fillings, but the visual aspects are less important.

Can You Feel The Filling on Your Front Teeth?

During the treatment, the dentist will numb the area where they are placing your front tooth filling. This will prevent any pain during the filling process. Afterwards, your mouth and lips may feel numb for a few hours while this wears off. You may experience tooth sensitivity for a few days after the dental work, while it settles down, but this is quite normal. Once your fillings have settled, you may be aware of them feeling slightly different to the other teeth, but it will soon start to feel normal and natural once you have got used to it. If you experience pain after a few days, then it is sensible to speak to your dentist.

Do People Notice Fillings?

In your general everyday life, people are highly unlikely to notice your fillings. Modern fillings are designed to be very discreet, and using composite or ceramic fillings means that your fillings can be matched to your tooth colour. You may find that your fillings stain at a different rate to your teeth, but regular brushing, and keeping up with your dental hygienist appointments will help to counteract this. If you are concerned by the appearance of your fillings, then always discuss this before your filling treatment with your dentist, so that they can be aware. If your fillings start to become more visible, then your dentist will be able to advise on the best next steps.

How do Dentists Fill Front Teeth?

Dental appointment for teeth fillings

Fillings are designed to repair the damage caused by tooth decay. Your dental professional will numb the area of your mouth where they are carrying out the fillings so that you will be comfortable during the procedure. They then use specialised tools to clear the tooth decay away, leaving a small hole known as a cavity. The filling material is then placed inside the cavity and hardened. Fillings will protect the tooth from further decay, as well as protecting the sensitive nerve endings inside the tooth.

What to Expect When Getting a Front Teeth Filling

It is very natural to be nervous before getting fillings, and if this is the case, then always speak to your dental professional for reassurance. Your dental professional will explain the procedure to you so that you understand what is happening. Firstly they will numb the area so that you are comfortable, this will take a little while to take effect, and the dentist will always check that it has worked correctly before proceeding. The dentist uses a small drill to remove the decay from the tooth, before placing the filling material inside the cavity. Some filling materials then require a special light to harden the front tooth filling.

Tips for Achieving a Natural-Looking Front Tooth Filling

Always ask your dental professional which filling material they suggest to use for your front teeth, as an experienced dentist will be able to give you the best advice. If you are concerned about the appearance of your tooth filling, then make sure that you discuss this with your dental professional. They may offer you options, with a price difference, so that you can choose. Listen to any aftercare advice from your dental professional. They may suggest staying away from food and drink that is known to cause staining, such as coffee or red wine, for the first few days. Make sure after you have had your fillings, that you take the time to look after your teeth, with good dental hygiene such as brushing and flossing.

Choose an Experienced And Reliable Dentist For Your Front Teeth Fillings

If you need fillings for your front teeth, then you can be confident that you are in good hands with the team at Boutique Dental 23. Our dental team is experienced and knowledgeable, and they are here to answer any questions that you might have. If you are nervous or concerned about having fillings, then speak to our dental team, so that they can reassure you. Fillings are part of good dental health and will help to prevent further tooth decay, so it is important to have them done if needed. Bring back your smile, by simply calling the team at Boutique Dental 23 today on 01942 727465


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